December 5, 2023

PilotAware Rosetta FX

Introducing PilotAware Rosetta FX and its first application for FLARM users.


FX is not necessarily a replacement for the existing PilotAware Rosetta which will continue to be developed and supported. The existing Rosetta is possibly the best solution for users who want to connect to multiple third-party devices using multiple baud rates and non-FLARM protocols. Contact if you want to implement a complex PilotAware installation to other avionics.

However, in delivering Rosetta FX we've undertaken a complete overhaul, reimagining and redesigning the existing Rosetta hardware and software from the ground up.

The PilotAware Team were given a fresh mandate, to enhance and improve all possible facets of the existing Rosetta unit including access to the unique PilotAware infrastructure to provide the most comprehensive and interoperable electronic conspicuity available.

The outcome? A quantum leap in performance and functionality across the board has been achieved. PilotAware Rosetta FX not only retains most of the functionality of its predecessors but elevates every aspect of its hardware and software to new heights. FX is smaller, lighter easier to use, powered using several voltage options whilst using considerably less power than its predecessors.

Unfortunately in achieving this, we have not been able to include direct voice alerts or to plot bearing-less targets from the FX. However, as voice alerts are very well provided by Electronic Flight Bags such as Sky Demon when connected to FX, and Mode-S targets are now given a GPS position using PilotAware Mode-S/3D these original functions are in less demand.  Both direct voice alerts and bearing-less targets will continue to be supported by the original PilotAware Rosetta giving you greater product choice.

The first joint application for Rosetta FX is to provide full interoperability with Existing FLARM users.

Available December 2023 and qualifies for the CAA £250 grant discount.

If you don't have FLARM installed in your aircraft but would like to take advantage of installing FX in your aircraft please see this document for a full explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of why and how this is easily done.

Rosetta FX Improvements

Plug-and-play with existing FLARM installations or can be used stand-alone.

Smaller, and lighter with significantly less power input required.

Improved GPS capture and start-up time including the Galileo constellation.

Increased PilotAware transmission and reception range.

All new single-chip technology for improved ADSB-In reception.

Multiple secure input voltage options from 5V-28V.

A completely revised and simplified user interface.

EASA ADSL protocol ready.

Inbuilt access to ATOM GRID, Sky GRID and iGRID for PilotAware’s advanced features.

Comparison Chart

Whilst the first application is to provide full EC integration with FLARM users, we know that many existing PilotAware users without a Flarm device will want to upgrade.

From day one FX will have 95% of the functionality of the current Rosetta with the majority of the remaining functions following in stages by automatic over-the-air (OTA) software updates.

The following comparison chart identifies the improvements and differences between the Pilot Aware Classic, Rosetta and Rosetta FX in terms of (i) Hardware and (ii) Functionality.



†FLARM connection required

Note the new architecture of the Rosetta FX does not support bearing-less targets which are now superseded by PilotAware Mode-S/3D to display mode S targets on your screen. Also, it does not support native voice alerts. However, EFBs such as Sky Demon intermingle traffic locations provided by FX with other voice alerts which is a popular solution among most pilots.

Bearing-less targets and voice alerts will continue to be available from PilotAware Rosetta devices, which will still be available from the PilotAware store and Transair UK.

Here are the Benefits of using the all-new PilotAware Rosetta FX 

Benefit 1.    Seamless FLARM Interoperability:

Simply add PilotAware Rosetta FX to your current FLARM setup to get full interoperability between FLARM and other PilotAware users. You will see them directly and they will see you. You will then also detect ADSB and CAP1391 transmissions directly even if you dont have Power FLARM.

You will also enjoy the benefits of full interoperability with the European PilotAware infrastructure to ensure you see everyone else transmitting any EC within 60kms.

Easy connection to your existing Flarm device.

The following picture shows the Rosetta FX simply plugged in between the existing Flarm system and the Flarm display.

Systems detected include;

ADSB (receive)

CAP 1391(receive)

PilotAware and FLARM (full interoperability)

Mode-S/3D (receive)

Weather RADAR (receive)

Enhanced Traffic Data (receive).

See all the traffic displayed on :

             Smart tablets connected via WiFi
             †Glass cockpits, connected via RS232

            † NMEA data using FLARM protocol.                                                               

Benefit 2.    PilotAware Rosetta FX and FLARM Interoperability:

When connected, there will be direct interoperability between you and other FLARM and  PilotAware-equipped aircraft, providing a great step forward towards full interoperability between all systems which is the ultimate PilotAware goal.

In addition, an integrated ADSB receiver in Rosetta FX will directly detect signals from ADSB transponders (DF17) and lower-power ADSB (DF18) CAP 1391 transceivers.

This traditional method of detecting aircraft is Direct Detection

The simple addition of PilotAware FX to a FLARM device will provide.

The above chart shows the interoperability between the FX and Flarm Combination and the individual products operated alone

Whilst FX and FLARM combined provide interoperability betweebn the two systems , Direct Detection as a technology, has the following weaknesses:

•       There is a single point of failure.

•       Signals can suffer from airframe and occupant obscuration and blocking.

•       There is only a single data path

•       There is no redundancy provision

•       There is low integrity.

With Rosetta FX installed and connected to your FLARM device, these weaknesses will now be improved by providing access to the full PilotAware infrastructure, including ATOM GRID, SkyGRID and iGRID to provide solutions.

Each of these additional unique PilotAware benefits, available through FX, is shown below.

Benefit 3.   ATOM GRID Ground Station Rebroadcast.

Over 370 PilotAware ATOM ground stations have been installed in the UK and Europe to provide greater interoperability with other systems, achieve greater integrity, reduce airframe and occupant obscuration and increase redundancy provision. The PilotAware infrastructure increases by 2-3 new station installations a week. If you want an ATOM station at your location please click here and we will let you know how we subsidise the installation.

This network of stations detects traffic locally that is transmitting FLARM, Fanet+, OGN trackers, PilotAware, ADSB, CAP1391and Mode-S signals. This traffic data is received and rebroadcast at the speed of light to any PilotAware-equipped aircraft in the area. This now includes aircraft fitted with the Rosetta FX - FLARM combination.

The direct, line of sight, detection range of individual ATOM stations is between 30-100kms and the transmission range is between 30-60kms.

Data detected directly by each and every ATOM station is passed to the PilotAware Servers using a low-latency encrypted software-defined network. Data from all these ATOM stations builds a complete national view that is shared with each ATOM station to provide the location of all aircraft within 60 km of each station even if they were not detected directly by that station.


300+ ATOM stations in the UK more in Europe and growing weekly

With a PilotAware Rosetta FX installed in the cockpit, the user will enjoy unrestricted access to the extensive PilotAware ATOM GRID ground infrastructure, bolstering aircraft data reception which includes:

(i)    Extended FLARM Signal Reception:

This will show gliders flying well beyond the immediate natural FLARM reception area, enhancing strategic situational awareness and identifying areas of lift and sink on a planned route.

(ii)  Mode-S/3D Signal Reception:

Mode-S transmitting aircraft will be detected and displayed as a target with a bearing using the unique PilotAware Mode-S/3D technology. This is extremely useful, considering the abundance of Mode-S transponder installations in the UK GA Fleet (@12,000+ installations).

The ATOM network uses multilateration (triangulation) from 1300+ sites across the UK including sites from 360 RADAR Ltd.

The following diagram shows The ATOM GRID ground network rebroadcasting traffic data from FLARM, Fanet+ and Mode-S from aircraft interrogated by Secondary Surveillance Broadcast responses.

PilotAware ATOM ground stations provide a second rebroadcast path.

Benefit 4.   PilotAware SkyGRID  Airbourne Data Relay.

PilotAware SkyGRID(TM) technology adds additional functionality to enhance and extend the range and capacity of the ATOM GRID Network. SkyGrid(TM) effectively gives every PilotAware-equipped aircraft, including those using Rosetta FX, ATOM station functionality in the sky.

PilotAware SkyGRID(TM) ;

•       provides a second data path through the air-to-air and air-to-ground relay, leading to greater system redundancy and integrity.

•       maintains a continuous link to PilotAware-equipped aircraft positions when they are out of range of an ATOM station or whose signal is blocked from connecting to the ATOM station.

•       relays data to the unconnected (orphan) aircraft informing them of everything that they are missing by being temporarily isolated from the ground station.

•       relays the position of low-flying aircraft to ATC for situational awareness and display on a Flight Information Display as per the amendment to CAP 670 2022.

PilotAware Sky GRID™ provides an additional air to air and air to ground data link.

Benefit 5.   Connectivity to PilotAware iGRID:

PilotAware iGRID Establishes a 3rd data path to and from the PilotAware servers using the mobile networks. This higher bandwidth link provides enhanced Flight Information Services, including METARS, Weather RADAR, and enhanced data of all EC-transmitting aircraft within a 60-kilometre radius of your current position. This feature requires a simple connection to your smartphone's WiFi hotspot through Rosetta FX. No external iGRID module is required.

PilotAware iGRID provides the 4th data link to PilotAware airborne systems

Linking all of these technologies together provides significant amounts of real-time data over multiple data links to the PilotAware servers.

Combining all technologies.

The following diagram shows all the technologies; Direct Detection, ATOM GRID, Sky GRID and iGRID, used by PilotAware, all working together to provide the most comprehensive situational awareness picture available to General Aviation Pilots.

PilotAware does all the hard work of using all technologies available to gather data on as many aircraft as possible and deliver their positions to your smart tablet.

Latest time stamped data arrives at the airborne PilotAware device from multiple sources increasing integrity.

Benefit 6. Rosetta FX provides WiFi Connectivity to Smart Tablets and 3rd Party Devices:

Seamlessly connect your PilotAware Rosetta FX to smart tablets and other third-party devices using WiFi. Enjoy a convenient viewing experience of all traffic and flight information services on your preferred platform, including popular Electronic Flight Bag apps such as Sky Demon, EasyVFR, Foreflight, and more. In addition, if available from your chosen Flight Bag, receive integrated voice alerts regarding local airspace, traffic and topographical features.

Benefit 7.  Rosetta FX provides wired connectivity to 3rd party devices:

Establish a permanent connection to open Glass Cockpits such as Dynon, Naviter and other compatible systems, ensuring comprehensive traffic awareness data is seamlessly integrated into your existing setup. Please check the installation manual of your Glass cockpit to see if it has an RS232 input that will accept NMEA messages in FLARM format at various baud rates. Contact PilotAware or the PilotAware Forum for information.

Rosetta FX will integrate all traffic received whether it be from your existing FLARM device, the Rosetta FX or the PilotAware infrastructure for a complete situational awareness view.

Benefit 8.    Rosetta FX provides Access to Advanced Services:

With PilotAware Rosetta FX, you gain full access to the existing robust PilotAware infrastructure, empowering you with exceptional capabilities, including:

•       Test and resolve your airframe blocking with PilotAware VECTOR.

Use VECTOR to see how well your installation is performing. Remote antennas are always the best option if your EC allows it. PilotAware has several options.

Benefit from the advantages available from the complete PilotAware infrastructure such as PilotAware VECTOR.

•       Flight Playback of your flight and all aircraft close to you for Airprox and SAR Analysis.

Show not only where your flight went but everyone who came close so long as they have some form of EC.

•       Enjoy extensive flight tracking across the UK and Europe.

Show you and your flying buddies flying in a gaggle so long as they have some for of directly detected EC.

4 aircraft tracked across Norway from just 1 aircraft with iGRID picking up the rest.

•       Automated PilotAware software upgrades using iOS

•       Automated PilotAware software upgrades using Android

         Automated PilotAware license and software upgrades using WiFi

•       Convenient internet access via your smartphone's hotspot using iGRID

With all your flights recorded and stored for 45 days on our servers, you can use the information to determine the efficiency and safety of your flights at your leisure.

If requested we can also send you a post flight email showing your flight, who came near to you and the VECTOR performance of ALL your installed EC devices. Sign up and receive this unique benefit for every flight.

Benefit 9.    EASA ADS-L Protocol ready:


PilotAware FX is ready to be remotely updated for use with the EASA SRD860 frequency band as permitted pursuant to AMC1 SERA 6005C Point (a)(3).

This is defined in Technical Specification for ADS-L transmissions using SRD-860 frequency Band (ADSL 4 SRD-860) Issue 1. 20th Decmber 2022

This is intended provide a common protocol (not frequency) for use in European U-Space-defined airspace when U-Space becomes available.

In cooperation with other manufacturers including FLARM, SkyTraxx and the Open Glider Network, PilotAware has assisted EASA in the development of the ADS-L protocol Issue 1 and looks forward to helping the integration of GA aircraft with unmanned aircraft in Europe without unnecessary temporary or permanent airspace restrictions.

The SRD860 protocol is expected to be implemented by EASA in 2024-5.

PilotAware Rosetta FX available for sale now via..

PlotAware Website



Harry Mendelsshon

PilotAware Team

July 2024